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  • The Nasdaq listing businesses now wants racial diversity quotas

    The Nasdaq listing businesses now wants racial diversity quotas

    To Reason, candidates should be only recruited on competencies, experience, skills, qualifications and ethics. Such divisive virtue-signalling is yet another concerning, ill-inspired, looking like quasi-racist coercion of the recruitment industry. A very worrying article saw on LinkedIn today. This movement about equality and diversity is not new. But it is seriously evolving now in a…

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  • 116-year-old French nun survives COVID she ‘wasn’t scared to die’

    116-year-old French nun survives COVID she ‘wasn’t scared to die’

    116-year-old French nun survives COVID and says she ‘wasn’t scared to die’. She’s not vaccinated. Two old friends of hers died just days after getting vaccinated. 

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  • Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100

    Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100

    Captain Sir Tom Moore dies aged 100 after a battle with pneumonia, with Covid contracted recently in hospital. Update 3rd Jan 5:30 pm – seen in the  Mail Online “Captain Sir Tom Moore tested positive for coronavirus after a 10-day stay in hospital and didn’t catch it on his Barbados trip, family reveal Family said Captain Sir…

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  • Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled And Pile Up in Landfills

    Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled And Pile Up in Landfills

    Companies are searching for ways to deal with the tens of thousands of blades that have reached the end of their lives. A debacle waiting to happen promoted by green populisms. Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills. Companies are searching for ways to deal with the tens of thousands…

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  • Council of Europe: vaccination coercion is against Human Rights

    Council of Europe: vaccination coercion is against Human Rights

    Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, 27 Jan 2021 confirms Reason’s critical analysis made since the very beginning of these nasty spreading rhetorics about “no jab, no job” or “vaccine passport”. The Council of Europe confirms Reason’s critical analysis made since the very beginning of these nasty spreading rhetorics about “no jab, no job” or “vaccine…

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  • Just a bit about PCR and LFDs Covid tests

    Just a bit about PCR and LFDs Covid tests

    Mr Jason Leitch, Scotland’s national clinical director has admitted PCR tests used to detect Covid-19 are “a bit rubbish”. WHO confirms this. There is still time to save £100bn. Published on 7th December, updated on 14th Dec with WHO statement on PCR tests issues. Updated on 28 Jan 2021  “Bayes Lines Tool (BLT) – A SQL-script…

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  • Investigation of various Sars-Cov-2 strains by Pr Didier Raoult

    Investigation of various Sars-Cov-2 strains by Pr Didier Raoult

    A bit of (real) science never hurts.

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