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  • Over 80% of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency

    Over 80% of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency

    200 Scientists & Doctors Call for Increased Vitamin D Use To Combat COVID-19  but Health Secretary and Top Advisers Drag Heels Vitamin D is an essential hormone for the whole functioning of our body. This is common knowledge. But the UK health Secretary and some health and science advisers know better and claim there is not enough…

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  • UK refuses to grant diplomatic status to the new EU ambassador

    UK refuses to grant diplomatic status to the new EU ambassador

    Updated 6th May: equivalent status granted  |  21 Jan, A decision qualified ‘petty’ by the EU. However, Mr Raab and Number 10 are right.  Mr Joao Vale de Almeida is the EU’s ambassador to the UK. “The Foreign Office had resisted the idea, arguing the EU should not be treated like an independent nation. But in a…

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  • Pimlico Plumber next Health Secretary?

    Pimlico Plumber next Health Secretary?

    The more ignorant, the more zealous – pipe your eye: “Pimlico Plumbers plans to adopt ‘no jab, no job’ vaccine rule for workers but boss says he won’t sack staff who refuse it”. Very (il)logical, indeed.

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  • Higher rate of side effects than what expected from other shots

    Higher rate of side effects than what expected from other shots

    News: “Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is causing allergic reactions at a rate that is higher than ‘what one could expect from’ other shots”, says the US chief scientific adviser for Operation Warp Speed.

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  • Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible

    Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible

    How many hours each week do you typically struggle to secure reliable metrics and charts needed for your work? What’s the hidden cost of this struggle on your budgets, productivity, and overall business outcomes? What’s the point of investing in external providers or in-house teams delivering high-budget insights and analytics reports and dashboards if they…

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  • Empty Nightingale hospitals are quietly dismantled

    Empty Nightingale hospitals are quietly dismantled

    Hospitals quieter than last Dec and mutant virus not worse but still more lockdown threats Article initially published on 29th Dec 2020, updated on 4th Jan 2021 (see below) LONDON: The 4,000-bed Nightingale hospital stands empty, amid surging coronavirus cases and hospital admissions across the country. NHS England figures reveal England has more Covid-19 patients…

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  • Christmas Joy in Spite of Queer Times

    Christmas Joy in Spite of Queer Times

    Enjoy (re)reading some of our new or recent posts. The course of events only confirms how right we were and still are since March: Errare Humanum Est; Perseverare Diabolicum. Remember that the truth sets you free.

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