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  • BBC Secret filming exposes contamination risk at test results lab

    BBC Secret filming exposes contamination risk at test results lab

    Healthy Progress and Innovation need Rules and Discipline. Yet, undercover investigation exposes contamination risk at COVID test results lab. Since the beginning of this COVID situation, every single day brings us a lot of ‘innovation and progress’ targeting the healthy functioning of societies, genuine science, common sense and human dignity. So much has been done…

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  • The “You may be jobless but you are not worthless” fairy dust

    The “You may be jobless but you are not worthless” fairy dust

    Another “motivational quote” on LinkedIn which, although positive and true in essence, ignores the brutal reality of the job market’s nurtured failures Quotes like these are numerous on LinkedIn or other social media platforms. Many look true even if sounding a bit like discovering that the water is wet. In fact, one will hardly witness…

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  • WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights

    WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights

    A much-needed wise reminder by WHO and the Council of Europe to dispel the population freak-control murk trying to inoculate the UK and EU. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that it is not encouraging the use of “vaccine passports.” They put this down to a combination of both “ethical and scientific” reasons. “We are not sure…

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  • Data Management and ETL/ELT: You Always Have the Choice

    Data Management and ETL/ELT: You Always Have the Choice

    “There is nothing wrong in doing things right, first time” is Reason’s motto. Make Sense by adding discipline and order with ‘Intelligent Automation’ to your data lineage, and other ETL/ELT jobs. Initially published on 12 Oct 2020 | Republished on 15 Mar 2021 When it comes to data management and all ELT/ETL and data lineage…

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  • Scientific Papers: What is ‘Reproducible’, and Does it Matter?

    Scientific Papers: What is ‘Reproducible’, and Does it Matter?

    This scientific step is required to test in situ how the findings of published papers perform in real life on the occasion of repeated experiments. The paradox is that even transparent, accessible experiments may not be reproducible while enforced as if they were. Two illustrations but keep in mind it is all a bit more…

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  • “Covid-19: Hancock’s failure to publish contracts was unlawful”, UK High Court

    “Covid-19: Hancock’s failure to publish contracts was unlawful”, UK High Court

    The British Medical Journal published on 19th Feb: “The UK government acted unlawfully in failing to publish details of dozens of contracts awarded without competition for goods and services such as personal protective equipment (PPE) needed during the cCvid-19 pandemic, a High Court judge has ruled.”

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  • Pfizer demands States assets guarantee against ADR litigations

    Pfizer demands States assets guarantee against ADR litigations

    “Held to ransom”: Pfizer demands governments gamble with state assets to secure vaccine deal “Pfizer has been accused of “bullying” Latin American governments in Covid vaccine negotiations and has asked some countries to put up sovereign assets, such as embassy buildings and military bases, as a guarantee against the cost of any future legal cases,…

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