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Introducing Praxis Governance and Regulation Regimes – Illustration with Financial Services Post-Brexit

Brexit gave back UK financial institutions the freedom to shape their destiny. Praxis Regulation, part of Praxis Governance, helps you master the ‘Equivalence’ frameworks for better Continuity and competitive edge

Make Sense

We are introducing Praxis Regulation, part of Praxis Governance, as a wrap-up of our expertise dedicated to financial services in the articulation of post-Brexit evolutions.

Brexit gave back UK financial institutions the freedom to shape their destiny.

Praxis Regulation helps you master the ‘Equivalence’ frameworks for better Resilience and competitive edge, with a focus on the pressing topic of Insurance – Solvency 2 being deployed by the Bank of England. 

‘No Rules’ in Brexit Deal Means a Window for Your Rules

Following Brexit, UK insurance companies can no longer rely on the existing ‘passport’ provisions to sell financial services to European customers.

Prudential II Framework – An Opportunity Among Others

Among opportunities in this key market for the UK, the Bank of England and Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) have now more flexibility on Solvency 2 equivalent rules which will help to maintain the integrity and reputation of London’s insurance companies whilst at the same time, giving it the flexibility to adapt more quickly to opportunities and challenges overseas and protect customers more effectively.

Our Consultants will Trek with You on this Journey

Your Independent Experts Ready for Action
Your Independent Experts Ready for Action

We help you to align insurance solvency regulation with that of other regulations such as new accounting standards, as developed by the International Financial Reporting Standards, for insurance companies, reducing the ‘silo mentality’ that often exists within large compliance departments.

We assisted major banks and regulators in measuring solvency for Basel and other requirements, steering them in the right direction towards better investment in resources and business excellence.

As a standard with us, no cut and paste or ready-made: we bring bespoke and innovative thinking, right from the first time and design the future, with you.

Visit our Praxis Governance page

Insurance – Solvency 2 essential scope summary

AIMS: Protection of policyholders and harmonisation across borders

INTERNAL RISK MANAGEMENT: Develop appropriate reward systems and diversification strategies

ANNUAL RETURNS: Design databases to produce accurate regulatory reports

SUPERVISORY REPORT: Link the firm’s risk strategy to regulatory requirements

MARKET RISK SENSITIVITIES: Identify  a risk mapping system so that risk management can be measured across portfolios

INTERNAL MODEL OUTPUT: Decide upon trade-offs between accuracy and transparency is very important at the implementation stage

GROUP V SOLO RETURNS: Firms must develop a consistent system to merge group risk

FINANCIAL REPORTING: Determine Tier one, two and three capital requirements

Learn more about our Regulation Regimes on our Praxis Governance page

A view on Snowdonia, Wales, United Kingdom
A view of Snowdonia, Wales, United Kingdom: there is a space for freedom and harmony

Visit our Praxis Governance page to learn more about Regimes for Business Continuity and Risk.

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Financial Services Post-Brexit & Equivalence at your fingertips trekking with independent experts

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