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Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled And Pile Up in Landfills

Companies are searching for ways to deal with the tens of thousands of blades that have reached the end of their lives. A debacle waiting to happen promoted by green populisms.

Make Sense

Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills.

Companies are searching for ways to deal with the tens of thousands of blades that have reached the end of their lives.

There is plenty of research and literature about Wind Turbines and what is, indeed, human-made damage to the environment – a full pace engineered unsustainability (if not climate change).

I must say it is a strange feeling of satisfaction and sadness to 1) have known and said for years this would be the case and 2) to see such a political and economic debacle happen now after following blindly if not deploying aggressively the green populist agenda.

Full pace unsustainability

This is what happens when one follows ideologies, rather than reason, good sense and fact.

End-to-end, objectively looking at this behind the hype, wind turbines are known to be an economic and environmental disaster: wind turbines cost a lot to run, they heavily disturb the surroundings for humans and animals, their productivity is really not great and they disturb wind corridors hence impacting the weather further downwind trajectories if not impact local climate.

In August 2013, the United States Environmental Protection Agency published in their Renewable Energy Fact Sheet: Wind Turbines that “Wind turbines are 20% to 40% efficient at converting wind into energy. The typical life span of a wind turbine is 20 years, with routine maintenance required every six months.”

There is plenty of research and literature about Wind Turbines and what is, indeed, human-made damage to the environment – a full-pace engineered unsustainability (if not climate change).

What about stockpiling this rubbish in houses, villas and mansions of green and other leftist activists, greedy investors and irresponsible, short-sighted politicians who pushed this all over the lands at taxpayer expense? There is a global bill for this too, including damage to the environment and local climate and weather.

If we want to use winds to produce electricity, we need to rethink the entire approach to it. We need a vision, an energy strategy, science, we need economists and financial experts, we need proper engineers and above all, we need to use common sense.

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