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Wild Pear tree dating back 250 years hit by HS2 virus outbreak?

The second oldest England’s tree voted tree of the year five years ago was chopped down to make way for the high-speed rail link despite promises, petitions and available technology to reroot it in a safer place.

Wild Pear tree dating back 250 years hit by HS2 virus outbreak
The 250-year-old pear tree in Cubbington Wood (Warwickshire, just north of Royal Leamington Spa)
Make Sense

We discovered this surprising and quite sad story only recently in the Telegraph, despite reading weekly dozens of articles from various origins spreading across numerous topics.

The tree won Woodland Trust’s Tree of the Year title for England in 2015 but has just been chopped down by HS2 resources, apparently backed by authorities who initially promised to look closely at the situation.

As reported by the Mail Online, “Stop HS2 protestors even set up a camp in the woods nearby in a desperate attempt to stop the demolition but were moved on by police.”

At the moment we write this article, there is no known report that any environment protection activists would have been found chained or glued to the Warwickshire tree to protect it from circumstances having, obviously, taken such a decision in its interest.

From aerial and local reconnaissance, the tree seemed to keep grove distancing, as no other pear tree could be found in its immediate vicinity.

However, as more information emerges on this performance, the Mail Online also published pictures of a lockdown perimeter – stay safe zone – erected around the tree, which doom and gloom advocates have immediately pointed out as an unequivocal sign of the outbreak of a new deadly HS2 virus: it would not only target social countryside living-balance but rather the environment, with a particular appetite for national history symbols and its natural heritage.

What looks like a lockdown perimeter - safe zone - erected around the tree.
What looks like a lockdown perimeter – safe zone – erected around the tree.

This story happens ironically at the same moment we can read the National Trust could face an official investigation by the Charity Commission into its ‘purpose’, for straying from its “clear, simple purpose” to preserve historic buildings and treasures.

Unfortunately, old, beautiful trees of natural interest are not, as far as we know, covered by the National Trust nor included in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). They are not covered by the World Commission on Protected Areas, or the International Union for Conservation of Nature (UICN), which wasn’t involved either. Alexander von Humbolt’s ‘Das Naturdenkmal‘ concept dating back to 1859 may have been chopped down from certain memories too.

It took less than 90 minutes to chop in pieces c.130,000,000 minutes of natural memory.
It took less than 90 minutes to chop in pieces c.130,000,000 minutes of natural memory.

As a consequence, some expert teams sitting in honourable institutions like Imperial College could possibly recycle the 13-year-old, buggy Fergusonist model that led to the first lockdown decision in March, and try showing that if nothing gets done “now”, more than 50,000 trees could be killed per day shall the spread of HS2 not be contained nor the project put back on track.

As a consolation, readers can always enjoy further this tree on the internet, saved in bits, though.

Anyway, when Christmas time comes, we will have a thought for this tree, as we sing along:

On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
A partridge in a pear tree.

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