WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights
A much-needed wise reminder by WHO and the Council of Europe to dispel the population freak-control murk trying to inoculate the UK and EU.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that it is not encouraging the use of “vaccine passports.” They put this down to a combination of both “ethical and scientific” reasons.
“We are not sure yet how long the immunity lasts once a person gets the Covid-19 vaccine and paradoxically if you get the vaccine you may be protected but still you can transmit the infection.”
Source The Independent: here
WHO scientific brief: here
Also, in their Resolution 2361 (2021) dated 27th Jan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe published a document ” Covid-19 vaccines: ethical, legal and practical considerations”, clearly suggesting that any vaccine coercion and discrimination using it are a breach of human rights and the ECoHR.
Read our blog: “Council of Europe: vaccine coercion breaches human rights”
NB: the UK left the EU, not the Council of Europe.
Finally, on 18th March, the Law Society published a statement saying that “Judicial review must remain an essential check on state power”.
How judicial reviews are being used, and sometimes abused, is what already happens with all legal instruments and procedures (hence the notion of, for instance, perversion of the course of justice). It is interesting to notice that this review happens at a moment where population coercion and privation of freedoms have reached levels never seen in living memories, including during World War II.
Indeed, the unscientific proliferation of DataViruses and other organised misinformation about the reality of the so-called “Covid-19 pandemic” requires an efficient and effective judicial review instrument, among others, to allow those who would feel the need, to question the government’s decisions that for a year now, objectively and factually keep destroying public and private lives, businesses activities, to levels never seen before.
This won’t please some in the EU Commission and state members, nor some grey areas of the UK freak-control hysterics pushing for “vaccines passports”: coercing the population seems to some more important than focusing energies towards intelligent cooperation, return to normality and freedom by, essentially, starting to use already available medicine.
We hope the UK and those tempted to follow the blinding light bearers will get back to reason and listen to good sense and real science, and shred the very idea of such ‘health certificates’ as a condition to get back your freedom to go shopping, to the cinema or theatre, travel or enjoy a pint in a pub: there is not the slightest scientific justification to this, and we wrote a lot about this already (please check our past blogs using the filter “Sars-Cov-2”).
We saw the use of marks to point at “Jude” because Arbeit Macht Frei. Will we have the use of marks to point at “Vaccinated” because Vaccination Makes you Free (to travel, to begin with)?
A thought-provoking analogy and question, indeed, although worth reflecting upon.
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