The Nasdaq listing businesses now wants racial diversity quotas
To Reason, candidates should be only recruited on competencies, experience, skills, qualifications and ethics. Such divisive virtue-signalling is yet another concerning, ill-inspired, looking like quasi-racist coercion of the recruitment industry.
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A very worrying article saw on LinkedIn today. This movement about equality and diversity is not new. But it is seriously evolving now in a dangerous direction, which can hardly not be seen as a sort of quasiracism or neo-racism like.
Read the full article in The Wall Street Journal Opinion – here
Please think about and re-place this matter back to a historical perspective: how did it all start and how did we end up in this?
To Reason, candidates should be only and exclusively recruited on competence, experience, skills, qualifications and ethics.
With professional recruitment processes, you would end up with a staff distribution being statistically representative of the population, but only if the recruitment criteria are distributed in the same way across the population.
For multi-factorial reasons, it is not the case and therefore you can’t achieve such a woke-ish outcome without upfront having recruitment bias, which means ideology and politics in action.
This is happening to the detriment of both candidates’ and businesses’ legitimate interests.
At the margin, we are not aware of any scientific demonstration as to why such representativity should take place in a business – or in any organisation, though.
As you hear often, we “should have more of <population category>” in businesses, Parliament, boards, etc. There are no scientific nor any ethical, justice or religious principles that would explain why this has to be so, where such idea comes from and what the benefit for concerned people and organisations will or can be?
Competences – Qualifications – Skills -Ethics: this is what matters in recruitment
This is different from principles of justice and respect to people, or fair recruitment and fair competition that are key. However, the way the job market works for years is certainly not of nature to ensure these, and we believe that this is where the NASDAQ but certainly authorities could certainly help things getting better for all.
This virtue signalling goes really nowhere. It is utterly unprofessional and immature thinking and risks only damaging more all categories of the population and businesses efficient functioning, truly.
Competences, qualifications, skills, ethics – this is what matters in recruitment.
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