Sharing the Spirit of Giving and Growing Together: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Prosperous New Year 2024!

Make Sense

The most wonderful time of the year is back and we hope you had good business Christmas parties, and are ready to enjoy Christmas soon with family and close friends.

May the New Year 2024 bring prosperity to all of you, whether our past, current and prospective clients, colleagues, as well as business partners and professional relationships.

Merry Christmas and see you in 2024!

Though Christmas is more and more driven towards being all about food, and sales, if not hedonism, one surely remembers it is fundamentally a Christian event celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, as written in the Holy Bible.

Many businesses all around know well that Ramadan and Eid are “Happy Ramadan and Eid”, halloween is “Happy Halloween”, Hannukah is “Happy Hannukah”, Diwali is “Happy Diwali” and so forth. But for some strange reason, when it comes to Christmas, it gets greeted with “Happy Holiday”, “Happy Festive Season” and the like. What an interesting expression of inclusiveness!

Christmas Time begins with Advent, a season of preparation and waiting leading up to Christmas Eve, followed by Christmas Day on the 25th and Boxing Day on the 26th, commemorating St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Christmas then extends for twelve days until Epiphany on January 6th, when one can enjoy the delicious Galette des Rois (or Kings’ cake).

So, whether you are a Christian or someone enjoying Christianity’s rich legacy, from the 25th Dec there are twelve joyous days to rejoice and wish those around you a Merry Christmas!

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Reason Praxis | Make Sense

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