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Second lockdown data: key PM’s Advisers adding insult to injury?

Mail Online Nov 2020: ‘Was lockdown sold on a LIE?’ Facts show infections and deaths are ‘flatlining’ while the ‘4,000 deaths’ graph used to justify restrictions has “proven to be incorrect”

Make Sense

“Was lockdown sold on a LIE? Oxford scientist says Covid infections – and ‘in effect’ deaths – are ‘flatlining’ and the ‘4,000 deaths’ graph used to justify restrictions has ‘proven to be incorrect”. (MailOnline today 3rd Nov 2020)

During the Press Conference on Saturday 31st Oct, Sir Patrick Vallance suggested publicly the UK are at 50,000 infections per day, which is a highly incorrect figure (see chart below, source MailOnline using ONS data).

Oxford University’s Professor Carl Heneghan claimed infections, hospital admissions and ‘in effect’ deaths were already flatlining before Saturday’s announcement” (source)

R rate is back to 1

Also, “top researchers say R rate has actually dropped to 1”, while “Oxford University’s Professor Carl Heneghan claimed infections, hospital admissions and ‘in effect’ deaths were already flatlining before Saturday’s announcement”.

Flu still kills more than COVID, but there has never been any lockdown on this before. Why?

We got Fergusonism with a 13-year-old bugged model leading to the first lockdown. Anyone writing such a messy code would get fired, as concluded by WANdisco CEO 

We now get this ‘forecast’.

At Reason, we advocate state-of-the-art methodologies, science and professionalism. We are sorry to say we may not validate such an approach, especially since a leak pushed the Prime minister to anticipate by 3 days the announcement of the lockdown, without leaving him the time required to consider all matters and information. 

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