Outcomes Management: Praxis Performance

“He who doesn’t know where he is doesn’t know where to go”
Reveal Performance and Outcomes
- Define how Strategy Delivery and its Outcomes are Measured and Assessed
- Set Markers and Baselines to Make Outcomes Measurable
- Visualise Strategy Delivery even in Real-Time
- Get inside the Financial Analysis and other Algorithms’ Black-Box
- Collect, Measure and Evaluate Non-Financial and Qualitative Information
- Have it all Neat in Reference Documents
Genuine Performance and Outcomes Management
reason‘s Praxis Performance Audit and Outcomes Management is about looking together at ways to understand whether your business is leading towards the desired direction, and how to measure it reliably.
Performance Measurement is closely articulated with and supported by our Praxis Insights.
Monitor your Business Strategy’s Delivery and Outputs
How well your strategy is being delivered across the business as well as your interactions with the environment can be tracked, measured and made available for analysis, review and discussion at the top executive level as well as all needed operational levels.
In addition to the standard financial analysis you have in place, we will provide you with a battery of quasi- and non-financial robust metrics allowing you to measure qualitative information, hence properly document strategic matters like grants submission, and agenda-free Sustainability, or Corporate Social Responsibility (also now known under the working Sustainable Corporate Responsibility).
Major Outcomes Organisations Want to Measure – Illustrations
These are a few examples of what reason Praxis can assist you to identify and measure:
- What is the impact of a Public Policy?
- Strategic Partnerships discussions and negotiations, Merging and acquisitions, Due diligence beyond financial standards
- Working around topics such as Social Impact Bonds?
- Interested in measuring notions such as Well-being, Happiness, and Individual contribution to an organisation or a team?
- Identify Business Issues, Processes bottlenecks, Toxic Nests
- What is the outcome of a multilateral programme?
- Outcomes, Outputs, Benefits, Externalities, Productivity?
- Assess Public-Private Partnerships
- Public money and donations utilisation: moving from a guessing exercise towards a documented impact for each penny
- Employees’ performance assessment: do it properly to prevent tensions and conflicts
- Innovative ways to track Procurement and Suppliers’ quality
- Etc.
You Can Measure Only What You Initially Set
reason assists you with a unique method, tested over 30 years, to design and implement a reliable Performance and Outcomes Management Framework.
If you didn’t initially set the definitions of what you wish to achieve and measure eventually, there may still be ways to audit and assess the situation. Get in touch to discuss.
Our Consultants will Trek with You on this Journey ensuring Business Continuity is preserved.
We design the future of your Performance and Outcomes Management Framework and implement it with you and for you.
As a standard with us, no cut and paste or ready-made: we bring bespoke and innovative thinking, right from the first time and design the future, with you.

Your Trekking Packages
Performance & Outcomes
You can only measure what you initially set.
Hence the importance of ensuring your Business is equipped with sensible Business Definitions, a Single Version of the Truth reporting capability and a Strategy where targets are clear, defined and measurable.
One can’t capture water using a tea strainer. A ladle won’t collect water even on a beach or if one waves it above one’s head standing in the sea: one needs to look in the right place with the right tools and the right method.
A scientific approach will help.
Your Performance & Outcomes Measurement Framework wraps the whole Business Strategy and its delivery.
Measure Strategy outcomes, outputs, benefits and externalities.
Link the firm’s risk strategy to regulatory requirements.
Shape the master programme management methodology that will consistently deliver and track from day one every single programme and project, and ensure the Performance and Outcomes Management Framework delivery and Corporate Insights.
Have respective approaches for Performance and Outcomes, which are two distinct matters.
Performance & Outcomes Management requires people to understand what they need to do, how and why. Engagement and cooperation are key
Determine how well current regulatory reports are produced in accordance with reporting and compliance standards
Financial Risks | Toxic nests | Suspicious activities | Data Quality | Productivity of Business Assets | Identify DataViruses | Branding and Reputation assessment etc.

Your Performance & Outcomes Management Experts