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Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible

How many hours each week do you typically struggle to secure reliable metrics and charts needed for your work? What’s the hidden cost of this struggle on your budgets, productivity, and overall business outcomes?

Make Sense

What’s the point of investing in external providers or in-house teams delivering high-budget insights and analytics reports and dashboards if they don’t answer the Senior Management Team’s key business questions?

If you find yourself agreeing with any of the following, you can be 100% sure your Insights and Analytics Capability isn’t fit for purpose.

Do you experience any of the following issues daily?

Here is an extract of what we audit when running a Health Check for you:

  1. Metrics and KPIs are wrong
  2. Metrics and KPIs are not defined. Who signed them off?
  3. What are these dashboards and reports really about? They don’t tell us anything.
  4. How can you perform pre-production UAT without having requirements on hand? 
  5. Where are the documentation and business requirements regarding our analytics?
  6. It can take one hour (and this is quick!) to get any fundamental business figures confirmed, often only as a rough ‘estimation’. This will especially happen during board meetings or strategic business meetings, as the figures we were given appeared to be wrong, with as a consequence not the best impact on our image/brand.
  7. Who is the owner of business definitions used across given dashboards?
  8. Who is in charge of data quality and its governance and compliance towards GDPR?
  9. Who defines, designs, tests and validates algorithms, scripts and logic used across the data and analytics, as well as the Stats/Data Science / ML / AI team?
  10. Where is the mapping of ETL and data lineage processes?
  11. ETL processes keep failing unexpectedly, hence dashboards are not refreshed/up to date. We often realise this only when end users complain.
  12. Is dashboarding Agile development becoming the last tree that hides a dead forest?

You can also estimate the annual, and consequently weekly, cost to your business of not having immediate access to what should be standard insights.

The resulting loss of productivity and impact on your work and business outcomes becomes readily apparent, and we can help you address this concern.

We can assist you in fixing these issues back to normality and good standards.

Our standard package approach

  • ½ Day Introductory Meeting: Discuss your situation, current analytics challenges, and define the scope and project steps.
  • 1-3 Days – 360° Business Reconnaissance: Gather information across your organization, meet key stakeholders, and identify critical issues hindering “Business Excellence” related to reporting and dashboards. Map these issues against our Praxis Solution.
  • 1-2 Day Findings & Recommendations Presentation: Discuss findings, propose solutions, and empower you to decide:
  • Resolve issues internally with in-house teams.
  • Outsource to external suppliers you choose.
  • Continue partnering with Reason to implement solutions.
Praxis Insights - Making the Invisible, Visible
Discover Praxis Insights

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We look forward to doing great business together.

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If you are looking for a reliable, independent professional consultancy to assist you in getting through the mist and the storm and cutting through an often artificial complexity, please do get in touch with us for an informal discussion, or write to contact @ reasonmakesense .com (please remove spaces)

Get in touch to discuss freely; reason will Make Sense, with you and for you.

A few words about Reason

reason supports Shareholders, Board, C-Suite Executives and Senior Management Team in achieving Business Excellence and Sustainability through our Praxis unique approach.

We Make Sense with you and for you.

We work and think with integrity, are independent and fed by a very broad spectrum of robust information sources, which is certainly one of the rarest and best qualities a consultancy can offer demanding decision-makers willing to overcome challenges and reach impactful, tangible and measurable Business Excellence.

We follow reason, facts, best practices, common sense and proper scientific approaches. This is our definition of professionalism. It brings reliability, confidence and peace of mind.

Please check our offering, subscribe directly on this page, write to contact @ reasonmakesense .com (without the spaces) or click on our logo below to get redirected to our contact form.

Thank you for reading!

Reason Praxis | Make Sense

Excellence & Sustainability

There is nothing wrong in doing things right, first time.

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