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Pimlico Plumber next Health Secretary?

The more ignorant, the more zealous – pipe your eye: “Pimlico Plumbers plans to adopt ‘no jab, no job’ vaccine rule for workers but boss says he won’t sack staff who refuse it”. Very (il)logical, indeed.

Make Sense

Maybe could one push the logic further and knight and name this gentleman as Health Secretary?

“Pimlico Plumbers plans to adopt ‘no jab, no job’ vaccine rule for workers but boss says he won’t sack staff who refuse it”

Charlie Mullins (pictured), of Pimlico Plumbers, says he has been talking to his lawyers about making the vaccine mandatory for all new hires within a few months (Source: MailOnline)

A self-contradictory statement.

As the deep dive into a Marxist transition continues, this recalls me of a post where I remembered that during the Soviet era, competent people were pushed aside from positions of responsibility and value-added because they were ‘thinking’ (dangerous!), while ‘useful idiots’ were sky-rocketing to important social positions and top scientific, business and political careers. 

Basically, one ought not to discriminate against people in recruitment with this. Final dot, and whoever pushes this move in the future should be prosecuted. This is a red line being crossed.

Some limits need to be in place to pipe down such thinking and safeguard businesses and society’s freedom and well-being.

Thanks for reading and enjoy a restful weekend.

18 Jan 2021 update: ” Vaccines won’t get us back in the office any time soon “

Source: Financial Times

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