New Assets on-the-go Analytics Reporting with Praxis Insights Plug & Report
How long does it take and cost you to integrate and merge any new acquisition/asset’s “body of data” into your corporate BAU reporting system?
Post initially published on 21st Sept 2021 | Updated and republished on 4th Mar 2022
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What if you could, at the governance level, *Plug & Report* into your existing BAU reporting system, within a couple of weeks to a month, any newly acquired Business Unit, Investment portfolio, any new body of Data, M&A assets (or explore and analyse at will any selected legacy data)?
This can become a reality with Reason *Praxis Insights Plug & Report*.
You undoubtedly know what happens when you plug (and play) an external drive into your computer: you can see what is on it within seconds. We offer a solution to similarly plug a new acquisition (the “body of data”) into your central reporting system.
For this to happen, you need a method, a Praxis. And Reason Praxis will assist you.
Fundamentally, it is about setting up a tailored Governance Corporate Praxis-Insights that systematises, orders, and disciplines legacies’ systems, their data and BAU reporting. The door then opens to *Plug & Report* on any newly acquired body of data, to merge and aggregate it within your main reporting capability, report on it solely or exclude its data from the whole, upon request.
NB: Solution design and implementation timeframe and estimated budget are subject to a prior audit of the current situation with Reason’s Analytics Health Check.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the above and seeing how we can start implementing this innovative approach to dynamic governance analytics.
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Praxis Insights is one of the five Reason Praxis that supports Board, C-suite and Senior Management Teams Executives in achieving Business Excellence and Sustainability. We design and implement reliable and consistent Insights beyond technology-does-it-all buzzing.
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