
MailOnline, today: “What they DON’T tell you about COVID”

21 November 2020|Good Governance, SARS-Cov-2 (“COVID-19”)

The Truth Sets You Free. Errare Humanum Est, Perseverare Diabolicum, as we keep saying.

#MailOnline, today: “What they DON’T tell you about #Covid: Fewer beds taken up than last year, deaths a fraction of the grim forecasts, 95% of fatalities had underlying causes… and how the facts can be twisted to strike fear in our hearts.”.

Congratulations to #MailOnline for providing such objective and informative insights on what is really going on.

Read the full article here

Immediately after publishing this insightful analysis, some took on Twitter to push their uncovered fallacious and unscientific agenda further

As we have been saying since the beginning of this issue: The Truth Sets You Free. Errare Humanum Est, Perseverare Diabolicum.

COVID TRUTHS: Covid stats revealed: 95% of deaths had underlying health conditions and ICU hospital beds LOWER than the 5-year average

A very similar analysis was published on the Sun

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