
Just a bit about PCR and LFDs Covid tests

Mr Jason Leitch, Scotland’s national clinical director has admitted PCR tests used to detect Covid-19 are “a bit rubbish”. WHO confirms this. There is still time to save £100bn.

Published on 7th December, updated on 14th Dec with WHO statement on PCR tests issues.

Updated on 28 Jan 2021  “Bayes Lines Tool (BLT) – A SQL-script for analyzing diagnostic test results with an application to SARS-CoV-2-testing”. See the end of the post for a link to research.

Make Sense

Mr Jason Leitch, Scotland’s national clinical director has admitted PCR tests used to detect Covid-19 are “a bit rubbish”

His comments have been described as “astonishing” by an expert at Oxford University given the “results are used to direct national policy”. Source: The Sunday Times

PCR tests (capturing virus ARN) are unreliable with high false positives. This is because they capture the Virus’ ARN, which can be alive, or …dead.

This is a bit like saying that because you found some caoutchouc, you found a tire, or that a dead crocodile is a threat to your life.

People thinking this way make decisions about public health and people’s lives.

Actually, nothing really new, as the Foreign Secretary, Mr Dominic Raab, recognised a few months ago during a Sky interview that current tests provide 93% of false positives (ninety-three per cent). Read more about this and watch the video in our blog here.

Update: on the 14th of December, the WHO published an Information Notice for IVD Users. It is about “Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2”.

WHO quote: “Description of the problem: WHO has received user feedback on an elevated risk for false SARS-CoV-2 results when testing specimens using RT-PCR reagents on open systems.” (link). Ct value is key to understanding if the test analysis was also tuned up.

With the National lottery, odds are you can win – by design. With the PCR tests policy lottery, you are meant to lose – by design.

This means that since ARN tests are being used, infection figures collected since tests started are entirely unreliable but keep being used to alarm the population about a ‘pandemic’, about which even reliable figures produced by the ONS are not put in context by the officials, which is however basics in analysis and research.

It also means that if we keep using such unreliable testing, the efficacy of any vaccine will never be really known either. Hence, the pandemic will never be ‘gone’. Hence more freedom deprivations and population and business coercion?

News reported recently that Mr Elon Musk sent back for analysis 4 tests taken on the same day, at the same moment. Two came back positive, two were negative (Source: Sky News).

As a logical and natural consequence, Operation Moonshot, therefore, is scientifically unsound. And, as mentioned by the BMJ, there is still time to save us from the lacking cost-evidence “Operation Moonshot over £100bn” taxpayer money.

Pfizer CEO, by the way, stated it is ‘not certain‘ if the coronavirus vaccine will prevent transmission. It is not possible and vaccines are not about this. More interestingly, no tests seem to have been designed to capture such information.

We need to remember that a vaccine most of the time is designed to protect the beneficent from the virus. It is so with numerous vaccines.

There has been no research study nor data collection design to answer this question, curiously. More generally, all data and said-official preparatory tests and surveys/studies related to the AstraZeneca vaccine are apparently kept secret. Why?

The health lottery runs at full pace, and hard-working people and businesses pay for it.

With the real National lottery, you can win. With the PCR tests policy lottery, you seem to be meant to lose, by design.

More related articles

Dates since when it is known PCR tests are unreliable for COVID testing:

  • Health Data Research UK – all you need to know about the unscientific unsoundness of what is being done with PCR tests
  • BBC, 5 Sept 2020: Coronavirus: Tests ‘could be picking up dead virus’
  • News Medical, 4 May 2020: Dead virus fragments are causing COVID-19 reinfection false positives
  • Hospimedica, 7 Sept 2020: Oversensitive COVID-19 Tests Detecting Dead Coronavirus Cells, Driving False Positives and Reinfections
  • 5) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, 25 May 2020, point 4) page 2: “The PCR assays on the NP or nasal swab specimens detect the SARS-CoV-2 viral genetic material (RNA). PCR assays can detect live virus or dead virus or fragments of virus.” (bold and underlined by us)
  • Lateral Flow Tests – it’s even worse than PCR but it will allow keeping the scaremongering over the population. Even if they work at c70%, this is still far from acceptable.
  • 14th Dec updateWHO Information Notice for IVD Users about “Nucleic acid testing (NAT) technologies that use real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for detection of SARS-CoV-2”
  • 28 Jan 2021 update: “Bayes Lines Tool (BLT) – A SQL-script for analyzing diagnostic test results with an application to SARS-CoV-2-testing” | Not a feather left – if still need be – on the fiction of PCR tests use”  source 
  • Update 23 Dec, The Guardian and other outlets: “Plans for 30-minute Covid testing in England halted amid accuracy fears”

Still, incredible energy is deployed to push these tests, hence getting more and more fake positives and maintaining the illusion of a crisis bigger than in reality.

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