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J&J Vaccinations Paused in U.S. on Blood Clotting Concern

The story of “safe vaccines” ending up paused never ends. In many countries now, AstraZeneca was paused or swapped for other vaccines. Johnson & Johnson just joined the squad

Make Sense

Now has come the turn for Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine use to be paused due to serious concerns.

We all heard about the performance of AZ vaccine, which may certainly not be excused by the “benefits higher than costs” laudatum.

“Up to 80 per cent’ in Sicily refuse AZ vaccine” (read Here).

Germany has given up on AZ for people below 60 years. for the story, even the hospital that treated Mr Navalny, the Russian political oppositionist, stopped its vaccination program with AZ. If there is a place in Germany where people must know something about toxic chemicals and their link with damage caused to the body, it must be there.

Canada has raised serious concerns over AZ and put it on hold.

The UK Government carries on saying it is safe and has now offered alternatives to young people. People wouldn’t have thought about it by themselves, so thank you, Mr Hancock.

Likewise with AZ, the J&J raises concerns, again, with blood clots.

The experimental vaccination on the population using enough untested new biotechnologies starts to bring what was foreseeable and announced by real scientists and common sense people from the start: problems. All, pushed by irresponsible politicians, at the cost of coerced and overfrightened for months vaccine recipients.

Still, the French traditional vaccine produced now in Scotland is strangely forgotten in the news and all-knowing better government advisers.

Now try to find the logic and concern for public health in all this at the moment the EU Commission had today (13th April – Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) a debate on the ‘Green certificate’ without really having left all parties interested the time to make needed research and analysis (All European ICOs, the  European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and European Data Protection Supervisor had just 2 week time, i.e. 14 days). 

The importance accorded to such a key unprecedented plan to interfere with individual privacy was so small that quickly emerged issues with the booking of the room and even interpreters left once the duration of the meeting ran out, leaving some speakers unable to pass on properly their questions and feedback.

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