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Denmark Allows Businesses to Force Covid-19 Testing on Employees

25 November 2020|Good Governance, SARS-Cov-2 (“COVID-19”)

Such a move is utterly unprofessional, not scientific and a complete intellectual and moral fraud and disgrace.

Make Sense

My attention was caught today by a Blumberg article published on LinkedIn announcing that “Denmark allows businesses to force Covid-19 testing on employees.”

Such a move is utterly disturbing as it is not only unprofessional and not scientific but also a complete intellectual and moral fraud. Time will show how such a decision is a disgrace.

If you dig just a bit into what such tests are and how they (don’t ) work, you may understand.  

Just a reminder that there is a presumption of healthiness unless proven otherwise (and by medical experts).

Many people never display any symptoms as well: if a healthy person gets a test, they can get in touch with the virus between the moment they get the test and the moment they get the result of it. Therefore, the test says they are safe while they COULD be infected – as it’s not because you get in contact with the virus that you get immediately infected.

Now, you could be infected after taking the test, but the test will tell (if it works!) that you are fine while you are infected and developing the disease.

This seems too much thinking for some clever people standing behind such a diktat.

I would like anyone to explain to me how such irrational and damaging mechanisms spread across the society, are voted upon and how they get support with no critical review from newspapers too.

Why put such a ridiculous burden on employers and employees, which doesn’t prove anything to anyone, but inverts the presumption of healthiness across society by playing both with businesses and employees, in the end, an entire nation?

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