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“Covid-19: Hancock’s failure to publish contracts was unlawful”, UK High Court

The ruling by the UK High Court comes while Budget to launch taskforce to crack down on “Covid fraud”

Make Sense

The British Medical Journal published on 19th Feb: “The UK government acted unlawfully in failing to publish details of dozens of contracts awarded without competition for goods and services such as personal protective equipment (PPE) needed during the cCvid-19 pandemic, a High Court judge has ruled.”

And more recently, we can read in The Independent that ” Furlough payments (were) claimed for staff who kept working during the pandemic”.

Frauds and abuse of the ‘system’ happen regularly, it is nothing new. And it is good to keep tackling these, obviously.

However, one can’t ignore that most of the key individuals around the Prime Minister have demonstrated little if not zero role modelling over the past year. Role modelling is key when driving people and businesses at such an eminent level: it sounds the A so that the whole orchestra plays to the tune.

What we hear is more cacophony, though. The number of documented and established issues has now overflooded the Health Secretary and the most prominent health advisers / SAGE beyond belief. This has been largely documented in some of our past blogs and mainstream newspapers of all views.

Only toaster data modelling can justify the unjustifiable.
And this is the main thing that really worked for almost a year now, leading the UK to sadly the highest death rate in the world (data as of 17th Jan, The Independent).

A performance, of its kind.

We are fed for a year that this cacophony is classical music. It is common to say one can’t discuss taste but when it costs so many lives because of lockdowns or withdrawal of usual health support to people in great need for the purpose of the Covid hysteria, we believe businesses and the nation deserve much better.

As a reminder, on 11th December, MailOnline, Mr Littlejohn wrote:
“When challenged to justify closing down the hospitality sector, [Vallance] blustered: ‘It’s not something you can model with any degree of accuracy.
‘We can’t give specific data on that and neither can anyone else in the world.’ “

Nevertheless, we were put into a third lockdown.

With the latest budget, we just got informed that we are going to pay back for such harmonics and performance management.

Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum. 

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