Cop27 and eco-warriors’ hysterics damage genuine Sustainability
Why do Cop27 sponsors and gaga-grüne devotees display functional illiteracy and a passion for hysterics on ‘global warming’?
![Images of the Earth. Credit NASA on flickr (Please see the end of the article for link)](
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So, the time has come to add 1 to the 26 in COP26.
It means the COP27 agenda unfolds across news outlets for the 27th year, again, with its deluge of scientifically very questionable statements to say the least.
This year, the event takes place in Egypt where the weather is much nicer than in Europe. This is not about keeping a soft pressure on participants that there is global warming, of course.
it is no longer about demonstrating that there is climate change “due to human activity” (this is not true, anyway). It is not about showing figures about how most of the implemented measures are costly and inefficient (read this, for instance). It is not about reconsidering the unscientific “net zero” populist stance.
It is rather now about self-flagellating by entering into discussions about paying reparations to “poor countries” allegedly impacted by Western economies. As there are recession and high inflation, are some countries going to possibly get a lot of money from these poorer countries instead?
No cynicism. However, if there seems to be no money to fill a 50Bn budget balance hole leading to raiding pensions, for instance, how would there be any possible commitment for “reparations”, which no one at this stage surely even knows what (legal) grounds and rationale support such self-incrimination, and how it will be defined and calculated? An ideological stance impacting current and future generations?
It all looks like the next woke-ish step in the path of the unconscious-white-privileges-and-underlying-racism narratives. Is it controlled demolition of our civilised societies?
And the UK, u-tuning at the eleventh hour to speed-run to Egypt to be seen as a front-runner in this next race and looking good on the international scene, finds now its green grass cut under its feet by the former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, who tactically initiated first the run to attend COP27 but then said that the “UK cannot afford climate reparations”. One needs two to tango but Boris demonstrates his mastery in one-man show performances.
The Greeks transitioned their religious beliefs from the Sphynx to an Olympe after Oedipus answered the two Sphynx’s riddles leading the monster to destroy itself. If the Greeks were to be seen as having brought some progress to the continental civilization – values upon which the EU is building itself, for instance, while progressively discarding and cancelling its Christian roots and legacy to the benefit of a Grüne-Humanist vision of the world, then bringing back COPn to the gates held once by the Sphynx could be seen as a step forward civilizational regress to a pre-Christian era.
But in times when we may soon be coerced into stopping eating meat and cooking veggie steaks over a net-zero-candle during the winter blackouts announced everywhere by town criers, maybe could we think about importing some sun from Egypt? Buying and selling air (here and here) is not good enough, obviously.
Electric cars (here, here and here) and other chaos spreading on roads and pavements un-/badly regulated e-bikes/e-scooters, batteries recycling issues, wind turbines, data warehouses, bitcoin mining (using per year the equivalent of New Zealand electricity), and lighting offices (especially at night) already put a lot of unnecessary, additional pressure on electricity production.
So, as if there were not enough pressure on electricity, wise strategists have, again, put the clocks back one hour so that subjected countries can start using even more energy one hour earlier and keep whining about blackouts, cost of living, inflation, and climate change or global warming crisis.
I am a very fast learner but must admit I can’t catch up with such breakneck logic.
One common point between CopN sponsors and the eco-warriors disrupting businesses and societies seems to be a hysterical psychosis around alleged ‘climate change’. Growing equality between classes? Marx must be delighted.
As an Economist too, one of the subjects I have been working on and following for some 15 years now is the notion of Sustainable Development, from its roots to what it has become.
As usual, by looking at the history of thought, science and facts, you can see that, actually, the weather is getting colder, there is surely no link (no causation) between CO2 levels and Earth’s temperature, and the current levels of CO2 are actually rather alarmingly low – this, for the second time in all Earth’s history.
Major institutions like the UN or NASA state there is a “scientific consensus” that “earth’s climate is warming” and that this is due to human activity. In other words, science is settled.
This sort of science is as settled as quackery pretending COVID vials were “safe and efficient”.
Please check the Electroverse website documenting earth changes during the next grand solar minimum. This is just one small example showing that this topic is far to be so obvious as the green ideology wants us to believe.
About CO2 levels and alleged relation to warming
![Global Warming Experts in intense intellectual talks](
In my last blog on Sustainability (“CO2 and Temperature fluctuation over time vs NASA narrative”, 19 Aug 21), I highlight how NASA’s narrative and selective communication present data in a way that misleads readers not knowing this matter, which could be another footprint of the global warming agenda pushing the controlling framework on businesses and individuals’ Knowledge and Decision-Making.
Therefore, keep in mind the Method holds the Outcome. Independent, reliable advice matters.
Now, all humans produce up to 2.5-3% of the total CO2 emissions.
There is no evidence any of these figures are harmful to the climate.
The Earth is subject to geological, large-scale changes that have nothing to do with human activity.
The activity of the sun has an important role too.
Earth’s magnetic poles are moving. Volcanic eruptions are getting more frequent.
Depending on how we calculate it, the UK contributes to less than 1% of this 3%. China contributes to c. 40%.
In a recent article, we learn that China pumped out more pollution in eight years than the UK since the Industrial Revolution (although the methodology to count this is not shared)
Something you can check is that wind turbines disturb wind corridors – and wind turbines are a human activity…
[…] current levels of CO2 are actually rather alarmingly low – this, for the second time in all Earth’s history.
We need CO2 to grow plants and food while its level is already very low
The measures pushed through the global narrative to reduce CO2 are, in my view, very harmful to businesses and the survival of current and future generations.
Less CO2 means fewer crops and less green more generally.
This means less food, hence crises around feeding the population.
This will surely profit the GMO’s industry, which could be of interest only if all damages this industry caused get rescinded and then it starts following … Sustainability principles.
There are ways, obviously, of doing business and making money following reasonable, well-understood Sustainability and (applied) science and research.
reason Praxis will assist you on the journey with pleasure.
With us, no heat pumps’ hot air targeting your budget or wallet.
We Make Sense with Reason Praxis. With you, and for you.: we put figures and frame the tangible (un)material and financial benefits you will get by working with us. Don’t feel under pressure to hit your budgets with inconsiderate and unscientific Green scaremongering, or even less, to slash lipstick on greenwashing.
Rather, get in touch and invest in Continuous Improvement, Excellence, and Sustainability, teaming with Reason Praxis.
Please also read my previous blog (2 Sept 2019) on the Global warming matter and the alleged man’s role in it.
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Post initially published on 26th Oct 2021 | Updated 7 Nov 2022