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Christmas Joy in Spite of Queer Times

30 December 2020|Business Management, Good Governance, Rule of law, SARS-Cov-2 (“COVID-19”)

Enjoy (re)reading some of our new or recent posts. The course of events only confirms how right we were and still are since March: Errare Humanum Est; Perseverare Diabolicum. Remember that the truth sets you free. There is always hope more gets done right in 2021, working together towards your business success!

Wishing You a Merry Christmas!

23 Dec – This year, and to relax a bit from the news and a difficult year for all, we bring our contribution to an important question: “Why did the turkey cross the road twice?”

We imagined what answers could have been given to this question by a selection of persons/VIPs and organisations having somehow marked 2020.


Empty Nightingale hospitals are quietly dismantled

29 Dec – Hospitals quieter than last Dec but still more lockdown threats announced in the news.

Three Nightingales – Bristol, Manchester and Harrogate – never received a Covid-19 patient, figures reveal


“Early treatment with HCQ: a country-based study” shows it works

16 Dec – As of 16th Dec 2020, +802,400 estimated lives were lost from not using Hydroxychloroquine.

Our Blog about this, dated 5th Nov (there are now 171 studies)

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