Business Definitions: the Cornerstone For Reliable Insights & Reporting
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Business Definitions: the Cornerstone For Reliable Insights & Reporting

Without robust Business Definitions to express “what is what”, there are no reliable and consistent (regulatory) reporting or analytics. The question of “Business Definitions” seems to be such an evident matter. For good and evident reasons, we have dictionaries for words. Why so many businesses can’t fathom the importance of Business Definition? Think about it:…

CO2 and Temperature fluctuation over time v NASA narrative
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CO2 and Temperature fluctuation over time v NASA narrative

Knowledge and Decision-Making control frameworks: keep in mind the Method holds the Outcome. Independent, reliable advice matters. You will have certainly read recently in the news about the UN “Climate change: IPCC report is ‘code red for humanity’ ” (here or here). The original report is available here. I read it for those interested to know, and struggle…

Insights-Analytics Excellence: the method is key, not technology
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Insights-Analytics Excellence: the method is key, not technology

If you still believe technology can resolve your data quality and business analytics challenges, time to break free from dogmatism: what you need is a method, the right Praxis – and we will assist. With the right method, it can take up to 20 moves (God’s number) to solve the Cube, which offers 43 quintillions…

Data Management and ETL/ELT: You Always Have the Choice
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Data Management and ETL/ELT: You Always Have the Choice

“There is nothing wrong in doing things right, first time” is Reason’s motto. Make Sense by adding discipline and order with ‘Intelligent Automation’ to your data lineage, and other ETL/ELT jobs. Initially published on 12 Oct 2020 | Republished on 15 Mar 2021 When it comes to data management and all ELT/ETL and data lineage…

Scientific Papers: What is ‘Reproducible’, and Does it Matter?
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Scientific Papers: What is ‘Reproducible’, and Does it Matter?

This scientific step is required to test in situ how the findings of published papers perform in real life on the occasion of repeated experiments. The paradox is that even transparent, accessible experiments may not be reproducible while enforced as if they were. Two illustrations but keep in mind it is all a bit more…

Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible
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Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible

How many hours each week do you typically struggle to secure reliable metrics and charts needed for your work? What’s the hidden cost of this struggle on your budgets, productivity, and overall business outcomes? What’s the point of investing in external providers or in-house teams delivering high-budget insights and analytics reports and dashboards if they…

“Early treatment with HCQ: a country-based study” shows it works
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“Early treatment with HCQ: a country-based study” shows it works

16 December 2020|Good Governance, SARS-Cov-2 (“COVID-19”), Visualisation / Insights As of 16th Dec 2020, +802,400 estimated lives were lost from not using Hydroxychloroquine Hydroxychloroquine works, and this has been known since the beginning by medical experts with no conflicts of interest. So why such obstinance in stopping people from being treated with it while others…

Reason Praxis Services: why do rigorous methods matter?
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Reason Praxis Services: why do rigorous methods matter?

At Reason, we advocate reliable analytics based on real data and robust scientific methodologies. The above chart presents, published on 3rd Nov 2020, the number of SARS-Cov-2 cases (“COVID-19”, popularly) across the UK. In blue are the current real figures, and in red are all scenarii produced in preparation for the second lockdown. The chart…

US Elections – Exemplary Data Visualisations

US Elections – Exemplary Data Visualisations

A selection of Websites having demonstrated a high level of professionalism regarding data visualisation about the 2020 US Presidential Elections. If you are interested in US elections and exemplary analytics/insights/viz, check the Fox News page (results are projections) among others. Counts are still ongoing. Official results will take some time to be published. This blog…

132 studies show HCQ is effective for COVID-19 when used early
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132 studies show HCQ is effective for COVID-19 when used early

Interested in Analytics and Insights fed by real Science and true Data?  The featured image of this post is a diagram showing studies’ reviews about HydroxyChloroquine. On the same website are also analysed Zinc, Remdesevir, Vitamin D and a few others. Since the beginning of the so-called ‘pandemic’, readers will remember how strong pressure was put on discarding…