Supply and Demand organised dysfunctioning
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Resources mismanagement: an integral part of corporate strategy?

Illustration with the deconstruction of two retailers’ food waste stances. When it comes to business strategy and its operationalisation, one needs to be aware that what doesn’t make sense at all in the eyes of shareholders, society or the population/customers can be intentionally and knowingly implemented by the business’s executives/owners. And this post shows that…

How your Business’s ownership rights can bring you more fruits?
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How your Business’s ownership rights can bring you more fruits?

An introductory reflection on the three attributes of Property: Usus, Fructus and Abusus. As a qualification of the relationship between a person and a thing, ownership is, by nature, absolute. From a Roman long tradition feeding the emergence of civil law, ownership gives you what is called the Usus, Fructus and Abusus on your property/business. Usus denotes the right of…