Applied Behaviourist Science, or How to Break Your Will.
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Applied Behaviourist Science, or How to Break Your Will.

This blog is inspired by The Mail on Sunday’s Comment, 20 Dec: “How many more times must we suffer this dimming of the light with Covid-19 restrictions?” “And for the first time since the 17th Century, a London Government is actually telling us how we may (or may not) celebrate the unique, treasured feast of…

WHO conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report?
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WHO conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report?

The Guardian, and other outlets: “WHO accused of conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report”. It is all about transparency and public health, isn’t it? Today, our attention was caught by an article in the Guardian (and other outlets), in which we read “The World Health Organization has been accused of conspiring with the Italian health…

CDEI publishes “Review into bias in algorithmic decision-making”
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CDEI publishes “Review into bias in algorithmic decision-making”

In the 92-page nicely designed and worded document, the UK Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation woes to address “bias” without providing any definition of what a ‘bias’ is. Originally published on the 6th Dec, updated 13th Dec. My attention was recently caught by a post on LinkedIn announcing that CDEI published a review into bias…

Chief Scientific Advisory to UK PM: a never-ending embarrassment
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Chief Scientific Advisory to UK PM: a never-ending embarrassment

“Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance has been forced to admit that there’s no evidence locking down pubs and restaurants saved a single life or stopped the spread of Covid. In the MailOnline, today 11th Dec, Mr Richard LITTLEJOHN says: “More than 10,000 people caught coronavirus after being admitted to NHS wards with other illnesses. Save…

US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on big tech interference in 2020 election
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US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on big tech interference in 2020 election

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on how the Big Tech companies handled the recent 2020 election. Extremely interesting hearing. Some key elements of it here, here and here. Full hearing here. .

Market Bill: is the EU’s legal action against the UK premature?
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Market Bill: is the EU’s legal action against the UK premature?

Update 4th Nov: To challenge a decision, one needs this decision to be taken. In the same way, before a breach of law occurs, there is no breach of law. DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind the topics of Public International Law and EU Law are very complex. This blog only draws some hypotheses basing its…

Wild Pear tree dating back 250 years hit by HS2 virus outbreak?
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Wild Pear tree dating back 250 years hit by HS2 virus outbreak?

The second oldest England’s tree voted tree of the year five years ago was chopped down to make way for the high-speed rail link despite promises, petitions and available technology to reroot it in a safer place.

The Economics of #MeToo & Reference Checks: Do Recruiters Care?
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The Economics of #MeToo & Reference Checks: Do Recruiters Care?

Abuse of power and backlisting are undoubtedly strengthened by dogmatic, arbitrary and unregulated practices of References / Background Checks leaving real risk prevention for businesses and candidates/employees often unaddressed. As a new landmark decision related to #MeToo has just been taken in the US, we are sharing here an article about “The Economics of #MeToo and How to…