Data and ETL/ELT Quality Management: You Always Have the Choice
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Data and ETL/ELT Quality Management: You Always Have the Choice

“There is nothing wrong in doing things right, first time” is Reason’s motto. Make Sense by adding discipline and order with ‘Intelligent Automation’ to your data lineage, and other ETL/ELT jobs. When it comes to data management and all ELT/ETL and data lineage matters in business, one can see what is physical such as cables…

New Assets on-the-go Analytics Reporting with Praxis Insights Plug & Report
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New Assets on-the-go Analytics Reporting with Praxis Insights Plug & Report

How long does it take and cost you to integrate and merge any new acquisition/asset’s “body of data” into your corporate BAU reporting system?

Reason coined the ‘DataVirus’ concept in September 2020. Real Cases illustrations.
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Reason coined the ‘DataVirus’ concept in September 2020. Real Cases illustrations.

Dec 21 update: Omicron’s DataVirus – Reason coined in Sept 2020 the DataVirus concept as far more dangerous than hacking: it is a stealth, good-looking dataset merging into your business data, and designed to target your brain and decision-making. Those who saw the film Inception will immediately see what I am about with our September article and…

Feeling like a bit taken for a pumpkin head by spooky business issues?
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Feeling like a bit taken for a pumpkin head by spooky business issues?

There is nothing wrong with a deep cleaning of business horror-pains before Christmas. Reason Praxis will team up, with pleasure and dedication. To the attention of Executives, Senior Management Teams, and Shareholders Feeling concerned that some areas of your business: If so, it looks like you may need a squad of exorcists. But for the time being,…

CO2 and Temperature fluctuation over time v NASA narrative
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CO2 and Temperature fluctuation over time v NASA narrative

Knowledge and Decision-Making control frameworks: keep in mind the Method holds the Outcome. Independent, reliable advice matters. You will have certainly read recently in the news about the UN “Climate change: IPCC report is ‘code red for humanity’ ” (here or here). The original report is available here. I read it for those interested to know, and struggle…

Insights-Analytics Excellence: the method is key, not technology
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Insights-Analytics Excellence: the method is key, not technology

If you still believe technology can resolve your data quality and business analytics challenges, time to break free from dogmatism: what you need is a method, the right Praxis – and we will assist. With the right method, it can take up to 20 moves (God’s number) to solve the Cube, which offers 43 quintillions…

Praxis Governance Pillar -
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Introducing Praxis Governance and Regulation Regimes – Illustration with Financial Services Post-Brexit

Brexit gave back UK financial institutions the freedom to shape their destiny. Praxis Regulation, part of Praxis Governance, helps you master the ‘Equivalence’ frameworks for better Continuity and competitive edge We are introducing Praxis Regulation, part of Praxis Governance, as a wrap-up of our expertise dedicated to financial services in the articulation of post-Brexit evolutions….

The “You may be jobless but you are not worthless” fairy dust
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The “You may be jobless but you are not worthless” fairy dust

Another “motivational quote” on LinkedIn which, although positive and true in essence, ignores the brutal reality of the job market’s nurtured failures Quotes like these are numerous on LinkedIn or other social media platforms. Many look true even if sounding a bit like discovering that the water is wet. In fact, one will hardly witness…

Data Management and ETL/ELT: You Always Have the Choice
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Data Management and ETL/ELT: You Always Have the Choice

“There is nothing wrong in doing things right, first time” is Reason’s motto. Make Sense by adding discipline and order with ‘Intelligent Automation’ to your data lineage, and other ETL/ELT jobs. Initially published on 12 Oct 2020 | Republished on 15 Mar 2021 When it comes to data management and all ELT/ETL and data lineage…

Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible
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Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible

How many hours each week do you typically struggle to secure reliable metrics and charts needed for your work? What’s the hidden cost of this struggle on your budgets, productivity, and overall business outcomes? What’s the point of investing in external providers or in-house teams delivering high-budget insights and analytics reports and dashboards if they…

GDPR Compliance: a trigger for Data Quality & Customer Excellence
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GDPR Compliance: a trigger for Data Quality & Customer Excellence

Fear not. You can kill more than two stones with one bird, can’t you? Reason Praxis shows you how. Executive Summary In this blog, we present a Praxis direct application supporting the idea that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance is an unknown and underestimated key allowing Shareholders and C-Suite Executives to unlock a…