Reason coined the ‘DataVirus’ concept in September 2020. Real Cases illustrations.
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Reason coined the ‘DataVirus’ concept in September 2020. Real Cases illustrations.

Dec 21 update: Omicron’s DataVirus – Reason coined in Sept 2020 the DataVirus concept as far more dangerous than hacking: it is a stealth, good-looking dataset merging into your business data, and designed to target your brain and decision-making. Those who saw the film Inception will immediately see what I am about with our September article and…

Austria & Portugal Courts: COVID PCR test unfit without GP input, and quarantine illegal
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Austria & Portugal Courts: COVID PCR test unfit without GP input, and quarantine illegal

March 21: Vienna follows Lisbon with a similar judgment and confirms Reason conclusions and WHO statement: PCR tests alone can’t suffice and need contextual, holistic approach by a GP before medical conclusion Austrian and Portuguese courts confirm in exemplary judgments the analysis and conclusions drawn by Reason end of 2020 in our blogs. And we…

Vaccine passports a ‘rather silly measure’, says David Davis
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Vaccine passports a ‘rather silly measure’, says David Davis

“Once you have got the population to above about 70 per cent vaccinated then you have got herd immunity. So, it is very difficult to see what they are trying to stop” “A Covid certification scheme planned by the Government is a “rather silly measure,” Tory former cabinet minister David Davis has said. […] The…

WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights
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WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights

A much-needed wise reminder by WHO and the Council of Europe to dispel the population freak-control murk trying to inoculate the UK and EU. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that it is not encouraging the use of “vaccine passports.” They put this down to a combination of both “ethical and scientific” reasons. “We are not sure…

The Nasdaq listing businesses now wants racial diversity quotas
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The Nasdaq listing businesses now wants racial diversity quotas

To Reason, candidates should be only recruited on competencies, experience, skills, qualifications and ethics. Such divisive virtue-signalling is yet another concerning, ill-inspired, looking like quasi-racist coercion of the recruitment industry. A very worrying article saw on LinkedIn today. This movement about equality and diversity is not new. But it is seriously evolving now in a…

UK refuses to grant diplomatic status to the new EU ambassador
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UK refuses to grant diplomatic status to the new EU ambassador

Updated 6th May: equivalent status granted  |  21 Jan, A decision qualified ‘petty’ by the EU. However, Mr Raab and Number 10 are right.  Mr Joao Vale de Almeida is the EU’s ambassador to the UK. “The Foreign Office had resisted the idea, arguing the EU should not be treated like an independent nation. But in a…

WHO conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report?
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WHO conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report?

The Guardian, and other outlets: “WHO accused of conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report”. It is all about transparency and public health, isn’t it? Today, our attention was caught by an article in the Guardian (and other outlets), in which we read “The World Health Organization has been accused of conspiring with the Italian health…

Market Bill: is the EU’s legal action against the UK premature?
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Market Bill: is the EU’s legal action against the UK premature?

Update 4th Nov: To challenge a decision, one needs this decision to be taken. In the same way, before a breach of law occurs, there is no breach of law. DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind the topics of Public International Law and EU Law are very complex. This blog only draws some hypotheses basing its…

ECJ, Schrems 2 and (real-world) data protection in the EU
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ECJ, Schrems 2 and (real-world) data protection in the EU

Sharing a perspective and a few facts. Much has been said since the ECJ struck down the #PrivacyShield for US-EU data transfer. Earlier this week, James Sullivan, Jr. from the U.S. Department of Commerce shared a White Paper outlining the information that can help both US and EU organizations in this context. Interesting that the ECJ focuses on aspects related to…

Is leaving the EU leaving the EEA?
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Is leaving the EU leaving the EEA?

This article is a continuation of the last “How to visualise supranational bodies the UK belongs to?”, as it answers now the question raised at the end of it: “Is leaving the EU leaving the EEA?”. Our analysis is that by leaving the EU, in a no-deal scenario, the UK would get back to existing…

How to visualise supranational bodies the UK belongs to?
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How to visualise supranational bodies the UK belongs to?

Illustration with the EULER diagram The UK is part of thousands of international treaties or bodies, most known being the Commonwealth, the UN, the EU, the EEA and the Council of Europe. If we limit our purpose to the continent and specific supranational bodies the UK and other continental countries belong to, the EULER diagram…