BMJ question: Do doctors have to have the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’?
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BMJ question: Do doctors have to have the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’?

An insightful response to the British Medical Journal by a medical expert about the damning reality of COVID vaccine adverse side effects, while ‘direct link’ between AZ vaccine and blood clots disappears from online in 24h

WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights
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WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights

A much-needed wise reminder by WHO and the Council of Europe to dispel the population freak-control murk trying to inoculate the UK and EU. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that it is not encouraging the use of “vaccine passports.” They put this down to a combination of both “ethical and scientific” reasons. “We are not sure…

Council of Europe: vaccination coercion is against Human Rights
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Council of Europe: vaccination coercion is against Human Rights

Parliamentary Assembly, Council of Europe, 27 Jan 2021 confirms Reason’s critical analysis made since the very beginning of these nasty spreading rhetorics about “no jab, no job” or “vaccine passport”. The Council of Europe confirms Reason’s critical analysis made since the very beginning of these nasty spreading rhetorics about “no jab, no job” or “vaccine…

UK refuses to grant diplomatic status to the new EU ambassador
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UK refuses to grant diplomatic status to the new EU ambassador

Updated 6th May: equivalent status granted  |  21 Jan, A decision qualified ‘petty’ by the EU. However, Mr Raab and Number 10 are right.  Mr Joao Vale de Almeida is the EU’s ambassador to the UK. “The Foreign Office had resisted the idea, arguing the EU should not be treated like an independent nation. But in a…

Applied Behaviourist Science, or How to Break Your Will.
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Applied Behaviourist Science, or How to Break Your Will.

This blog is inspired by The Mail on Sunday’s Comment, 20 Dec: “How many more times must we suffer this dimming of the light with Covid-19 restrictions?” “And for the first time since the 17th Century, a London Government is actually telling us how we may (or may not) celebrate the unique, treasured feast of…

‘Unconscious bias’ mandatory training scrapped by UK Government

‘Unconscious bias’ mandatory training scrapped by UK Government

Excellent news: “Unconscious bias training” is being scrapped for civil servants in England, with ministers saying it does not work “It doesn’t work”, indeed. The surprising thing is how could anyone think it could work in the first place. This is the least we could say: it can’t work because ‘bias’ is not something defined…

US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on big tech interference in 2020 election
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US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on big tech interference in 2020 election

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on how the Big Tech companies handled the recent 2020 election. Extremely interesting hearing. Some key elements of it here, here and here. Full hearing here. .

Market Bill: is the EU’s legal action against the UK premature?
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Market Bill: is the EU’s legal action against the UK premature?

Update 4th Nov: To challenge a decision, one needs this decision to be taken. In the same way, before a breach of law occurs, there is no breach of law. DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind the topics of Public International Law and EU Law are very complex. This blog only draws some hypotheses basing its…

New US federal draft Bill: the “SAFE DATA Act”
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New US federal draft Bill: the “SAFE DATA Act”

Last month, a proposal for a consumer privacy bill was introduced in the US Senate. What could become a new federal law is titled ‘‘Setting an American Framework to Ensure Data Access, Transparency, and Accountability Act’’ or, in short, the ‘‘SAFE DATA Act’’. Click here to access the current Bill. Hereafter are the links to the press…