Just a bit about PCR and LFDs Covid tests

Just a bit about PCR and LFDs Covid tests

Mr Jason Leitch, Scotland’s national clinical director has admitted PCR tests used to detect Covid-19 are “a bit rubbish”. WHO confirms this. There is still time to save £100bn. Published on 7th December, updated on 14th Dec with WHO statement on PCR tests issues. Updated on 28 Jan 2021  “Bayes Lines Tool (BLT) – A SQL-script…

Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible
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Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible

How many hours each week do you typically struggle to secure reliable metrics and charts needed for your work? What’s the hidden cost of this struggle on your budgets, productivity, and overall business outcomes? What’s the point of investing in external providers or in-house teams delivering high-budget insights and analytics reports and dashboards if they…

Empty Nightingale hospitals are quietly dismantled

Empty Nightingale hospitals are quietly dismantled

Hospitals quieter than last Dec and mutant virus not worse but still more lockdown threats Article initially published on 29th Dec 2020, updated on 4th Jan 2021 (see below) LONDON: The 4,000-bed Nightingale hospital stands empty, amid surging coronavirus cases and hospital admissions across the country. NHS England figures reveal England has more Covid-19 patients…

Applied Behaviourist Science, or How to Break Your Will.
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Applied Behaviourist Science, or How to Break Your Will.

This blog is inspired by The Mail on Sunday’s Comment, 20 Dec: “How many more times must we suffer this dimming of the light with Covid-19 restrictions?” “And for the first time since the 17th Century, a London Government is actually telling us how we may (or may not) celebrate the unique, treasured feast of…

WHO conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report?
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WHO conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report?

The Guardian, and other outlets: “WHO accused of conspiring with Italy to remove damning Covid report”. It is all about transparency and public health, isn’t it? Today, our attention was caught by an article in the Guardian (and other outlets), in which we read “The World Health Organization has been accused of conspiring with the Italian health…

“Early treatment with HCQ: a country-based study” shows it works
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“Early treatment with HCQ: a country-based study” shows it works

16 December 2020|Good Governance, SARS-Cov-2 (“COVID-19”), Visualisation / Insights As of 16th Dec 2020, +802,400 estimated lives were lost from not using Hydroxychloroquine Hydroxychloroquine works, and this has been known since the beginning by medical experts with no conflicts of interest. So why such obstinance in stopping people from being treated with it while others…

‘Unconscious bias’ mandatory training scrapped by UK Government

‘Unconscious bias’ mandatory training scrapped by UK Government

Excellent news: “Unconscious bias training” is being scrapped for civil servants in England, with ministers saying it does not work “It doesn’t work”, indeed. The surprising thing is how could anyone think it could work in the first place. This is the least we could say: it can’t work because ‘bias’ is not something defined…

CDEI publishes “Review into bias in algorithmic decision-making”
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CDEI publishes “Review into bias in algorithmic decision-making”

In the 92-page nicely designed and worded document, the UK Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation woes to address “bias” without providing any definition of what a ‘bias’ is. Originally published on the 6th Dec, updated 13th Dec. My attention was recently caught by a post on LinkedIn announcing that CDEI published a review into bias…

Chief Scientific Advisory to UK PM: a never-ending embarrassment
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Chief Scientific Advisory to UK PM: a never-ending embarrassment

“Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance has been forced to admit that there’s no evidence locking down pubs and restaurants saved a single life or stopped the spread of Covid. In the MailOnline, today 11th Dec, Mr Richard LITTLEJOHN says: “More than 10,000 people caught coronavirus after being admitted to NHS wards with other illnesses. Save…

News: Oral Drug Blocks SARS-CoV-2 Transmission within 24h

News: Oral Drug Blocks SARS-CoV-2 Transmission within 24h

Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection with a new antiviral drug, MK-4482/EIDD-2801 or Molnupiravir, completely suppresses virus transmission within 24 hours Breaking News: Oral Drug Blocks SARS-CoV-2 Transmission within 24h, Georgia State Biomedical Sciences Researchers Find. ATLANTA—Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection with a new antiviral drug, MK-4482/EIDD-2801 or Molnupiravir, completely suppresses virus transmission within 24 hours, researchers in…