Insights-Analytics Reporting Excellence: the method is key, not technology
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Insights-Analytics Reporting Excellence: the method is key, not technology

If you still believe technology can resolve your data quality and business analytics challenges, time to break free from dogmatism: what you need is a method, the right Praxis – and we will assist.

Insights-Analytics Excellence: the method is key, not technology
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Insights-Analytics Excellence: the method is key, not technology

If you still believe technology can resolve your data quality and business analytics challenges, time to break free from dogmatism: what you need is a method, the right Praxis – and we will assist. With the right method, it can take up to 20 moves (God’s number) to solve the Cube, which offers 43 quintillions…

Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible
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Introducing Praxis Insights Health Check: Making the Invisible, Visible

How many hours each week do you typically struggle to secure reliable metrics and charts needed for your work? What’s the hidden cost of this struggle on your budgets, productivity, and overall business outcomes? What’s the point of investing in external providers or in-house teams delivering high-budget insights and analytics reports and dashboards if they…

US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on big tech interference in 2020 election
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US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on big tech interference in 2020 election

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on how the Big Tech companies handled the recent 2020 election. Extremely interesting hearing. Some key elements of it here, here and here. Full hearing here. .

GDPR Compliance: a trigger for Data Quality & Customer Excellence
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GDPR Compliance: a trigger for Data Quality & Customer Excellence

Fear not. You can kill more than two stones with one bird, can’t you? Reason Praxis shows you how. Executive Summary In this blog, we present a Praxis direct application supporting the idea that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance is an unknown and underestimated key allowing Shareholders and C-Suite Executives to unlock a…

New US federal draft Bill: the “SAFE DATA Act”
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New US federal draft Bill: the “SAFE DATA Act”

Last month, a proposal for a consumer privacy bill was introduced in the US Senate. What could become a new federal law is titled ‘‘Setting an American Framework to Ensure Data Access, Transparency, and Accountability Act’’ or, in short, the ‘‘SAFE DATA Act’’. Click here to access the current Bill. Hereafter are the links to the press…

ECJ, Schrems 2 and (real-world) data protection in the EU
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ECJ, Schrems 2 and (real-world) data protection in the EU

Sharing a perspective and a few facts. Much has been said since the ECJ struck down the #PrivacyShield for US-EU data transfer. Earlier this week, James Sullivan, Jr. from the U.S. Department of Commerce shared a White Paper outlining the information that can help both US and EU organizations in this context. Interesting that the ECJ focuses on aspects related to…

The Economics of #MeToo & Reference Checks: Do Recruiters Care?
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The Economics of #MeToo & Reference Checks: Do Recruiters Care?

Abuse of power and backlisting are undoubtedly strengthened by dogmatic, arbitrary and unregulated practices of References / Background Checks leaving real risk prevention for businesses and candidates/employees often unaddressed. As a new landmark decision related to #MeToo has just been taken in the US, we are sharing here an article about “The Economics of #MeToo and How to…