Belgium Court rules Covid measures illegal and must be lifted

Belgium Court rules Covid measures illegal and must be lifted

31st March: A Belgian court has ruled that the current government COVID-19 measures being deployed don’t have a sound legal basis. The State has 30 days to lift restrictions or face fines. “The judge gave the Belgian State 30 days to provide a sound legal basis, or face a penalty of €5,000 per day that…

Reason coined the ‘DataVirus’ concept in September 2020. Real Cases illustrations.
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Reason coined the ‘DataVirus’ concept in September 2020. Real Cases illustrations.

Dec 21 update: Omicron’s DataVirus – Reason coined in Sept 2020 the DataVirus concept as far more dangerous than hacking: it is a stealth, good-looking dataset merging into your business data, and designed to target your brain and decision-making. Those who saw the film Inception will immediately see what I am about with our September article and…

Brexit minister Lord Frost resigns over Government’s direction
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Brexit minister Lord Frost resigns over Government’s direction

His departure was prompted by Plan B measures, tax rises and ‘net zero’ politics. “This country has a great future under Boris Johnson’s leadership if we can get the policies right.” According to the BBC, 18th Dec 21: “Brexit minister Lord Frost has resigned from Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government. In a letter, he tells Mr Johnson…

Austria & Portugal Courts: COVID PCR test unfit without GP input, and quarantine illegal
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Austria & Portugal Courts: COVID PCR test unfit without GP input, and quarantine illegal

March 21: Vienna follows Lisbon with a similar judgment and confirms Reason conclusions and WHO statement: PCR tests alone can’t suffice and need contextual, holistic approach by a GP before medical conclusion Austrian and Portuguese courts confirm in exemplary judgments the analysis and conclusions drawn by Reason end of 2020 in our blogs. And we…

Police show up at Polish Catholic church AGAIN for Easter Sunday
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Police show up at Polish Catholic church AGAIN for Easter Sunday

(updated on 11th) “Police show up at Polish Catholic church AGAIN for Easter Sunday Mass as furious parishioners slam officers who shut down Good Friday service and ‘stood on the altar’ – as Met still refuses to apologise.” Initially published on 9th April 2021. Updated on 11 April, please see below by the end. The…

BMJ question: Do doctors have to have the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’?
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BMJ question: Do doctors have to have the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’?

An insightful response to the British Medical Journal by a medical expert about the damning reality of COVID vaccine adverse side effects, while ‘direct link’ between AZ vaccine and blood clots disappears from online in 24h

BBC Secret filming exposes contamination risk at test results lab
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BBC Secret filming exposes contamination risk at test results lab

Healthy Progress and Innovation need Rules and Discipline. Yet, undercover investigation exposes contamination risk at COVID test results lab. Since the beginning of this COVID situation, every single day brings us a lot of ‘innovation and progress’ targeting the healthy functioning of societies, genuine science, common sense and human dignity. So much has been done…

WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights
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WHO, CoE: ‘vaccine passports’ not scientific, harm human rights

A much-needed wise reminder by WHO and the Council of Europe to dispel the population freak-control murk trying to inoculate the UK and EU. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that it is not encouraging the use of “vaccine passports.” They put this down to a combination of both “ethical and scientific” reasons. “We are not sure…

Scientific Papers: What is ‘Reproducible’, and Does it Matter?
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Scientific Papers: What is ‘Reproducible’, and Does it Matter?

This scientific step is required to test in situ how the findings of published papers perform in real life on the occasion of repeated experiments. The paradox is that even transparent, accessible experiments may not be reproducible while enforced as if they were. Two illustrations but keep in mind it is all a bit more…

“Covid-19: Hancock’s failure to publish contracts was unlawful”, UK High Court
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“Covid-19: Hancock’s failure to publish contracts was unlawful”, UK High Court

The British Medical Journal published on 19th Feb: “The UK government acted unlawfully in failing to publish details of dozens of contracts awarded without competition for goods and services such as personal protective equipment (PPE) needed during the cCvid-19 pandemic, a High Court judge has ruled.”