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BMJ question: Do doctors have to have the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’?

An insightful response to the British Medical Journal by a medical expert about the damning reality of COVID vaccine adverse side effects, while ‘direct link’ between AZ vaccine and blood clots disappears from online in 24h

Make Sense

Let’s please start by reading the beginning of the article:

I have had more vaccines in my life than most people and come from a place of significant personal and professional experience about this pandemic, having managed a service during the first 2 waves and all the contingencies that go with that.

Nevertheless, what I am currently struggling with is the failure to report the reality of the morbidity caused by our current vaccination program within the health service and staff population. The levels of sickness after vaccination is unprecedented and staff are getting very sick and some with neurological symptoms which is having a huge impact on the health service function. Even the young and healthy are off for days, some for weeks, and some requiring medical treatment. Whole teams are being taken out as they went to get vaccinated together.

You can access the full article: here

The reader will have read the developments around the AstraZeneca issue having spread across Europe in recent weeks. A ‘Direct link’ was recognised by the EMA yesterday (6th April 2021). This information disappeared online within 24 hours to match the new communication of medical officials made today…

The original article (second link) disappeared from The Times and even Google cache.

It is so all good with benefits outweighing the risks that the “UK advises under-30s take the offer of an alternative to AstraZeneca vaccine”. (read Financial Times dated 7th April 2021).

‘No risk but take another vaccine’…Indeed.

In 1984 by G. Orwell, the reader will remember the existence of the Ministry of the Truth, whose role was to continuously rewrite and correct the past so that it fits today’s system’s truth. Here we are: The Times and Google cache have erased yesterday’s articles and their memory to fit today’s MHRA and government’s stance.

Some keep repeating that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks.

One thing seems rather sure: the covering up of the risks outweighs the duty of care of the population.

ref: BMJ 2021; 372 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n810 (Published 29 March 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;372:n810 

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