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How to evaluate a business outcome’s performance?

Illustration with mathematics teaching policies in the US and Japan.

When analysing data or information, whether quantitative or qualitative and even policies, history matters.

Indeed, history shows us the evolution and direction taken by events, which we can then appreciate against given quality assessment criteria.

To those who believe that “good” and “bad” criteria don’t have much sense nowadays and it all depends, let’s look at some history of how mathematics is taught, with the two short videos below.

The first, already circulating on LinkedIn, shows new maths vs old school maths – different methods, different effects and results, and different lengths of time to produce the result too.

The second video shows, in comparison, how a 7-year-old Japanese girl adds up, within seconds, 5 big numbers made of 10 to 14 digits using an Abacus:

As you will see, putting events into historic perspective tells us much more.  

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