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  • US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on big tech interference in 2020 election

    US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on big tech interference in 2020 election

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on how the Big Tech companies handled the recent 2020 election. Extremely interesting hearing. Some key elements of it here, here and here. Full hearing here. .

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  • Reason Praxis Services: why do rigorous methods matter?

    Reason Praxis Services: why do rigorous methods matter?

    At Reason, we advocate reliable analytics based on real data and robust scientific methodologies. The above chart presents, published on 3rd Nov 2020, the number of SARS-Cov-2 cases (“COVID-19”, popularly) across the UK. In blue are the current real figures, and in red are all scenarii produced in preparation for the second lockdown. The chart…

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  • US Elections – Exemplary Data Visualisations

    US Elections – Exemplary Data Visualisations

    A selection of Websites having demonstrated a high level of professionalism regarding data visualisation about the 2020 US Presidential Elections. If you are interested in US elections and exemplary analytics/insights/viz, check the Fox News page (results are projections) among others. Counts are still ongoing. Official results will take some time to be published. This blog…

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  • 132 studies show HCQ is effective for COVID-19 when used early

    132 studies show HCQ is effective for COVID-19 when used early

    Interested in Analytics and Insights fed by real Science and true Data?  The featured image of this post is a diagram showing studies’ reviews about HydroxyChloroquine. On the same website are also analysed Zinc, Remdesevir, Vitamin D and a few others. Since the beginning of the so-called ‘pandemic’, readers will remember how strong pressure was put on discarding…

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  • Evening Standard: “No evidence of Covid-19 on Tube and buses”

    Evening Standard: “No evidence of Covid-19 on Tube and buses”

    For the second month in a row, “No evidence of Covid-19 on Tube and buses in London, experts say”. So, where is Covid? “The testing in stations and on Tube trains and buses involved using machines able to draw in 300 litres of air every minute — more than a human can breathe in —…

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  • Market Bill: is the EU’s legal action against the UK premature?

    Market Bill: is the EU’s legal action against the UK premature?

    Update 4th Nov: To challenge a decision, one needs this decision to be taken. In the same way, before a breach of law occurs, there is no breach of law. DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind the topics of Public International Law and EU Law are very complex. This blog only draws some hypotheses basing its…

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  • Second lockdown data: key PM’s Advisers adding insult to injury?

    Second lockdown data: key PM’s Advisers adding insult to injury?

    Mail Online Nov 2020: ‘Was lockdown sold on a LIE?’ Facts show infections and deaths are ‘flatlining’ while the ‘4,000 deaths’ graph used to justify restrictions has “proven to be incorrect” “Was lockdown sold on a LIE? Oxford scientist says Covid infections – and ‘in effect’ deaths – are ‘flatlining’ and the ‘4,000 deaths’ graph…

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