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  • 80 years ago: De Gaulle’s Appeal of 18 June 1940 still resonates

    80 years ago: De Gaulle’s Appeal of 18 June 1940 still resonates

    The Appeal to Resistance against Nazism and France’s Occupation and Collaboration, recorded on the 22nd on the BBC (UK), still defines what mean vision, courage, and the fight for what is true, good and just.

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  • Covid-19 Big Picture Insights

    Covid-19 Big Picture Insights

    Try our Desktop or Tablet design-intended Dashboard – Now with the 9th of July data snapshot added Using official public data and Tableau technology, reason presents a visualisation focusing on the Covid-19 virus’s big picture understanding. The visualisation has now an additional data set dated 9th of July. Access the visualisation by clicking on the image above…

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  • Introducing New Funnel Visualisations

    Introducing New Funnel Visualisations

    We are pleased to introduce an original funnel design visualisation, based on Tableau technology. We are pleased to introduce an original funnel design visualisation, based on Tableau technology. The funnel’s shape will change accordingly to displayed values and users’ filter selection. Various design options are possible. An online interactive version of the funnels is available here….

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  • How Resilient is Your Organisation to a Business Disaster?

    How Resilient is Your Organisation to a Business Disaster?

    Post written with Steve Yates, Chairman of the Resilience Association. Ensuring business continuity and resilience should be the priority, if not already the norm. 2019 was sadly a catastrophic year for certain industry sectors, with too many organizations going “bust”, in some cases a short time after their financial accounts had been cleared by top…

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  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!

    Remember that Jesus Christ is the Reason for the Season! A Merry Christmas at this wonderful time of the year to all our past, current and prospective clients, colleagues, business partners and professional relationships!

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  • Resources mismanagement: an integral part of corporate strategy?

    Resources mismanagement: an integral part of corporate strategy?

    Illustration with the deconstruction of two retailers’ food waste stances. When it comes to business strategy and its operationalisation, one needs to be aware that what doesn’t make sense at all in the eyes of shareholders, society or the population/customers can be intentionally and knowingly implemented by the business’s executives/owners. And this post shows that…

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