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BBC Secret filming exposes contamination risk at test results lab

Healthy Progress and Innovation need Rules and Discipline. Yet, undercover investigation exposes contamination risk at COVID test results lab.

Make Sense

Since the beginning of this COVID situation, every single day brings us a lot of ‘innovation and progress’ targeting the healthy functioning of societies, genuine science, common sense and human dignity.

So much has been done wrong that one struggles to find a single example where something would have been done right, actually. I can’t recollect we would have seen so much pennywise science in living memory. But please share examples of the contrary, I am open-minded and keen to be challenged if I am wrong.

We face the emergence of a possible new sort of ideology: something in the shape of The Fallacious Word Forged into Creepy Flesh. The Word made Flesh in its perverted version, in an interesting summary.

And the recent secret investigation by the BBC is not of nature to dispel this observation with its last discovery in the biggest UK COVID results test lab. For the story, things were already flagged last year, and as you can imagine, the Fallacious Word hit out at such concerning discoveries with ready-made PR stunts a la “We are taking matters seriously”.

Progress and Innovation need Rules and Discipline to flourish, and this is what Praxis is all about.

From Business as Usual to Blah-Blah as Usual? It looks like a fallacious word.

Is this any progress or innovation? According to Reason‘s standards, it is neither.

Last year, wrote in a blog that we rather face a pandemic of false positives. We have for a year a pandemic of DataVirus impacting decision-makers and sound public health policies. 

To Reason, there is no fatality, though: Progress and Innovation need Rules and Discipline to flourish, i.e. what we name the right Praxis

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reason supports Shareholders, Board, C-Suite Executives and Senior Management Team in achieving Business Excellence and Sustainability through our Praxis unique approach.

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Reason Praxis | Make Sense

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