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Applied Behaviourist Science, or How to Break Your Will.

This blog is inspired by The Mail on Sunday’s Comment, 20 Dec: “How many more times must we suffer this dimming of the light with Covid-19 restrictions?”

“And for the first time since the 17th Century, a London Government is actually telling us how we may (or may not) celebrate the unique, treasured feast of Christmas. This time it is supposed to be to deal with a new fast-spreading variant of the virus, even though experts admit that its effects are no more serious than the existing one.” (Mai on Sunday Comment, Mr Richard Littlejohn, source)

The carrot is in this context the promise of things getting better if we do what we’re asked to do.

  • Promising something and cancelling it at the last minute.
  • Alternating hope and frustration periods.
  • Making these periods irregular in length, and hopes and frustrations irregular in emotional intensity
  • Sending mixed messages
  • Making you do something, they completely u-turning it
  • Telling something is wrong today but good tomorrow
  • Mixing irrational logic across your environment not to allowing you to know on what foot to stand
  • Scaring, generating stress because this disconnects rationality and critical thinking towards a more instinctive behaviour, like survival mode. So, you become more malleable.

These are a few signs of techniques used to bend or break your will and judgment.

And the evidence collected from a meticulous observation of footprints left since March supports the hypothesis that there won’t be anything improving whatever we are asked to do because it’s not about that, obviously.

It is rather about conditioning the population to react as per wishes and stimulus, upon any trigger of doom and gloom fear-agenda: science is the enemy likewise your judgment.

What is happening is certainly ‘Applied Behaviourist Science’.
What the Mail on Sunday describes is named Scottish Shower and is used, among other coercive triggers, to bend, to break the will and resistance of a targetted individual or group.

More insights soon to come in our forthcoming article “From Freedom to Freedoom”.

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