
‘Unconscious bias’ mandatory training scrapped by UK Government

Excellent news: “Unconscious bias training” is being scrapped for civil servants in England, with ministers saying it does not work

“It doesn’t work”, indeed. The surprising thing is how could anyone think it could work in the first place.

This is the least we could say: it can’t work because ‘bias’ is not something defined at all. Same for unconscious bias, I let you imagine the complexity involved in demonstrating such a state.

And there is no evidence that anything like unconscious bias is anyhow grounded in scientific research. This is rather sectarian mental manipulation to make people feel guilty of something they don’t know but are all impacted by.

As a gentle reminder to all ideologues and advocates of this intellectual fraud, a fundamental principle in law is the presumption of innocence, and people don’t have bias unless proven otherwise.

A most welcome decision cutting one more tentacle of this unscientific, insidious ideology spreading for years across all aspects of businesses, and public and personal life.

There are days with good news and this is one of them.

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