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132 studies show HCQ is effective for COVID-19 when used early

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The featured image of this post is a diagram showing studies’ reviews about HydroxyChloroquine. On the same website are also analysed Zinc, RemdesevirVitamin D and a few others.

Since the beginning of the so-called ‘pandemic’, readers will remember how strong pressure was put on discarding any possibility of analysing the use of HCQ.

Given the mass effect of quite unprecedented propaganda across mainstream media, it is reasonable to say that the average person could buy the idea that this drug is not adequate, nor its efficiency proven. 

The course of events and facts confirm that this is not true: HCQ works. “Real Science” and “True Data” are key, indeed.

If you search online after Surgisphere Analytics, now dismantled, you will find that this business recruited ‘experts’ having for eminent scientific backgrounds in adult filming acting. This appeared out of nowhere business produced a (phoney) study that got through very easily the Lancet’s committee review and was published without eye blinking, before – excuse the outstanding performance – skyrocketing to the WHO who immediately felt the imperial need to act urgently upon it and withdraw all ongoing studies on HCQ. France and Italy followed immediately too at national levels.

Following an international scandal that made more noise than expected against this unprofessional paper and its authors, the Lancet withdrew it within days, but this was barely reported this time by mainstream newspapers.

We are still looking to learn whether there were any investigations or pursuits launched around this scandal.

As always, reason makes sense and the truth ends up winning over disinformation. But at what cost for lives?

It didn’t matter either that the study was completely unprofessional for anyone just reading the first page with its study summary and used methodology. No consequences for the Lancet’s committee, or for high-calibre experts and decision-makers who get so easily manipulated by a blatantly unprofessional paper and business.

It didn’t matter that the treatment using HCQ saved thousands of lives in Marseille, southern France, where Prof. Dr. Didier Raoult, an eminent international expert, got brilliant results. As a reward for his commitment, he’s getting bullied by some leading media and even parts of the French state apparatus. He’s being threatened to get struck by the French General Medical Council…for healing people. In recent developments, the supply of HCQ was delayed, and blocked without reason for Didier Raoult’s laboratory, which put in danger the lives of people needing HCQ for other known health issues. The situation got relatively unstuck only after Marseille’s Professor asked his lawyer and logged to the local prosecution department a complaint about suspicion of criminal activities putting lives in danger.

It didn’t matter that this is a very efficient and affordable medicine, that has been known for years in medicine: new studies had to destroy its credibility, destroy its use and prevent anyone from using it. 

Who may have an interest in pushing out-of-track scientific research?

Who may have an interest in putting lives in danger or even leading to deaths by preventing everything that could lead to demonstrating the (already known) efficiency of HCQ?

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